COACHING & Mentoring
April 2021
'During our weeks working together, she has been very insightful, helped me identify my real career motivators and the blocking points that prevented me from pursuing them. I greatly appreciated her challenging thoughts, insights, and support to take action. She is extremely knowledgeable and a very good listener. Her help has been instrumental to me identifying my next steps and to change my approach to life in general for the best. G.J., Business Development Manager" Sept 2018 Jill has a calm, insightful and immovable way of calling me to take massive action and staying the course to realize hitherto just "plans" and "intentions" I had for several year. She challenges me about my limiting beliefs. She is an excellent coach and I have been privileged to have been coached by her. Sarah-Jessie Appiah Ghana & Geneva July 2016 Jill brings her “A” game to the world of coaching and mentoring. She is very motivated and gives her full attention to the task at hand. She is prepared to invite everyone into the conversation and makes a point of remembering who you are, making you feel involved and that your voice is important. The ultimate outcome of the coaching/mentoring sessions, I had with Jill during the JMT 90 day success roadmap, was that she added so much value to the group. She takes the time and makes an effort to teach you everything she could possibly teach. With Jill, you receive not only the information outlined but even further knowledge. It was her valuable and influential leadership and guidance that helped me through the certification program. What is most profound about Jill is her work ethic; she does her homework and makes learning easy. She provides tools and information from her own experience, thus, assisting others in achieving their certification goals. Jill will continue to motivate me as well as other team members to be successful whenever she is needed; she is that dedicated to her profession. Jill has helped me and countless others all over Europe, the United States of America, and Paraguay etc. Because of Jill, Executives, Teachers, and High-ranking officials have been able to influence others in their career goals. This has been accomplished by using the tools she has provided through her coaching/mentoring programs. She is a kind and wonderful friend to have on your team. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that I recommend Jill Saville to you; she will be a true asset to all who want to succeed in business or in their personal goals. Sincerely, Tea Bird Inc J'ai rencontré Jill alors que je recherchais un coaching dans le cadre d'une réorientation professionnelle. En quelque séances, Jill a été d'une grande efficacité: son discernement, sa méthode de travail et son soutien m'ont permis de me poser les vraies questions; celles que je n'osais me poser moi-même. J'ai enfin pu m'autoriser à atteindre ce que je désirais vraiment, au plus profond de moi-même, et qui avait peu à voir avec ce pour quoi j'étais venue chercher son aide. En mettant à plat les blocages du passé, j'ai pu mettre en marche les changements nécessaires dans tous les compartiments de ma vie pour atteindre mes objectifs mais surtout, réaliser les rêves que j'avais laissé au fond d'un tiroir. V. 42 ans, Luxembourg Jan 2016 I met Jill when I was looking for a coaching for a career transition. In just a few sessions , Jill was highly effective : her discernment , her work method and support have allowed me to ask myself the right questions ; those which I didn't dare to ask to myself. I could finally allow myself to achieve what I really wanted deep inside me, which had little to do with the reason why I searched for her help in the first place. By sorting out the blockages of the past, I could apply the necessary changes in all compartments of my life to reach my goals, but above all, to fulfill the dreams that I had left in a drawer. V. 42, Luxembourg Jan 2016 Executive Sept 2015 I have worked with Jill for 12 months and it has been quite a life-changing experience. Jill’s gentle yet persistent style of coaching helped me rebalance my life during a very challenging spell when I had just started a new job and at the same time was studying for an MBA and caring for an ill family member. Jill’s approach was very structured but at the same time fluid which helped me focus on what was important. Over the last year I have really grown as a person and Jill has been instrumental in helping me find the direction and courage to meet life’s challenges. Member of cross border executive committee -Financial sector Luxembourg I had the feeling of being trapped in a golden cage of a very well paid, but ultimately unfulfilling role with which my core skills and values were no longer aligned. I was close to burning out and desperately wanted to change my work life balance and find a more suitable role. Jill helped me think things through in a structured manner, and although measured in her questions, was always sensitive and helpful at the same time. Over the course of approximately 4 months, I was able to redefine what was important to me and why, and build those thoughts into my day to day approach to all personal and professional matters. I now have a new job in a great company which I am thoroughly enjoying. My work/family balance has also been restored and I`m feeling completely back in control of who I am and where I should be. I will be forever indebted to Jill and could not have achieved these results without her support. Thank you! Linda Penfold Founder & MD at South-East Zoo Alliance for Reproduction & Conservation Florida USA - July 2014 "Jill provides a fresh approach to viewing challenges and issues within a business. Jill’s clarity of thinking quickly identifies weak areas in my thought process and yet she also manages to take my vision and help me find my own answers. She is exceptionally skilled in guiding me through my own thinking to come up with solutions I am happy with, and I have had more than one ‘epiphany’ when she has enabled me to see things through a different prism. In a very short time, results have been demonstrable, and appreciated not just by me, but by my staff. This has been a very illuminating and productive journey." Service Category: Career Coach Year first hired: 2014 Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, Creative Sarah Wykes Lead Analyst - Climate & Energy CAFOD UK - July 2014 Jill mentored me through the Aspire Foundation on Women's Leadership (a voluntary scheme). I found her advice very useful, a good mix of pragmatic advice garnered through years of leadership experience in the public sector and a wide range of applied theory. Her ability to analyse particular situations and draw out the underlying issues or lessons was acute. I also appreciated her approach of being supportive but also giving honest feedback when this was required." Service Category: Career Coach Year first hired: 2013 Top Qualities: Expert, High Integrity, Creative Dieter Jansen Owner at Jansen SA (Pty) Ltd, Regional Manager at triVector (Pty) Ltd South Africa - July 2014 "I was requiring help with practically structuring a particular month in which many critical new actions needed to be taken. Jill guided me through the quagmire of my own disparate thoughts, and expertly got to the root cause which helped me define the central theme that I was chasing. This insight has caused me to be able to accurately focus in on what actions are important, and which can be discarded or delayed. I experience Jill as an extremely competent coach, with a valuable mix of compassion, firmness, humour and respect. I am thrilled to be working with her." Service Category: Career Coach Year first hired: 2014 Top Qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity Company director - Ohio USA Jill Saville is a fabulous coach who operates in integrity. She is very focused and aware of what is going on with her clients. She instinctively knows when to ask a question. She also is able to assist you in getting to the bottom line. After each coaching session I feel a sense of accomplishment and an awareness that I have a true accountability partner in Jill. Thanks Jill for helping me to chart new territory! Luxembourg IT specialist I feel it (coaching) has really helped me. I really like it for the accountability and the sessions at the start, to change my ideas and beliefs. I also really like the fact you follow up if progress is not being made, which, I guess is an essential part of growth. Jon Ashford-Smith - Senior Development Manager -UK University -December 2013 I contacted Jill as I was struggling in my middle management role at a charity. I felt under utilised and under valued. She asked me a series of open questions and helped me to identify my strengths.As a result my confidence grew. I realised that I needed a new challenge and within 6 weeks I had applied for and accepted a more senior role in a new organisation. Jill's helped me to feel that I can excel in this new role and I am very much looking forward to starting in the New Year." Manager EIB - 29 September 2013 I feel indeed more 'meaning' in my life now and that what I do is valuable. It's good to hear that the change is also visible to others. Michael May, Chief Risk Officer, HSBC, Luxembourg February 15, 2012 “I recommend Jill without hesitation as an effective coach. She is an excellent listener who quickly establishes a safe environment for the coachee, allowing one to explore in confidence and safety. I have benefited personally from her coaching - it is gently and quickly effective, helping me to develop insights, ensuring I explore my options and allowing me to choose my next steps with clarity and confidence. She will not let you down. Michael Doyle -27 November 2012 International Financial Planner at The Spectrum IFA Group Jill is an excellent coach and delivers excellent results - I cannot recommend her highly enough. Natasha Golinsky Founder of Next Level Nonprofits, Vancouver Canada I had the opportunity to work with Jill earlier this year and can say with 100% certainty that I am a better person for it. Through Jill's coaching I was able to create big picture goals for my life, began to think in terms of "possibilities" and learned how to dream again. Jill is incredibly professional, trustworthy and insightful. It was my pleasure and honor to have had her as my coach. Christian Simpson- Faculty Member for Professional Coaching, John Maxwell Team - 10 September 2012 “I've had the privilege of helping thousands of people across the world truly understand the artistry of professional coaching, and Jill Saville is one of the finest practitioners that I've had the privilege of serving. She's not only highly accredited in the coaching field, and an impressive ambassador for the coaching industry, she also does what every leader/coach should do, continually investing time and money in her own personal growth so that she can continue to take those fortunate to work with her to new levels of performance. Jill has not aligned herself with some of the greatest minds in the field of leadership and personal growth by chance, and her talent in helping people transform their personal and professional results is unquestionable. I feel honoured to work alongside Jill, and if you are fortunate enough to hire her talents, and you have serious intentions to bring improvements to your personal life or you organisation, then you will make a very wise decision in engaging Jill Saville.” September 10, 2012 (From Linked In) Dr Sunil Raheja Consultant Psychiatrist in the British National Health Service and private practice - 28 June 2012 Being coached by Jill truly has been life-changing. She has provided a unique space and opportunity for me to work through my personal internal barriers and connect with my inner calling. Her genuine persistent encouragement and affirming manner have helped me make strides I had previously not thought possible. I would whole heartedly recommend her to anyone who is serious about living their dreams and is hungry to grow and develop in their life. Alex Stevenson - Jan 2012 Manager of Communications ChildLine and NSPCC I contacted Jill through a recommendation and with a specific purpose in mind. But the work she did with me opened up many more avenues of personal development than I could have expected. Jill took me on a journey. I began with an interest in improving my confidence for job interviews. My mind was filled with questions about the direction I wanted to take my career in and I lacked confidence in what I thought I could achieve. A few months and six sessions down the line, I was successful in applying for a promotion - my dream job and two grades above my existing role! Jill not only helped me focus on the specific skills I sought to improve, she helped me find my goal. Jill gave me space to reflect, nurtured and developed my confidence, and enabled me to focus on which direction I wanted to go in with my career. Jill coached me with a gentle guiding hand, working at my pace to draw out my strengths and help me work on my weaknesses. Jill's generosity of spirit and positivity cast a warm glow. Not only did I look forward to our sessions, I felt like Jill came on the journey with me, supporting me and celebrating my achievements along the way. I can't recommend Jill highly enough. I can honestly say I don't think I would be where I am in my career now without her expert coaching. Elaine Skilton Canoe Services Manager at London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games -2012 Jill has a warm approach in her coaching style, providing constructive feedback, challenge and guidance towards solutions in the areas that we worked together on. Distance coaching continued to be beneficial and her effective suggestions and support were highly valued at a time of career change. Jill is a very personable coach and I consider her a valuable part of my professional network." High Integrity Fay Scott ,Head of Equalities and Diversity Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime” February 13, 2012 “Jill was instrumental in my career development over a period of four years. Through coaching, Jill helped me to explore opportunities beyond what I thought I could achieve. Jill's style is understated but effective. She challenges from a place of 'how do we get there' and does not block or make assumptions about what you can or cannot do. Through Jill's coaching I am now building a property portfolio and am in the process of establishing my own business. I believe that the key to achieving one's potential is to face your fears and challenge your aspirations. Jill provided a supportive platform in which to do just that. Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity First hired Jill as a Career Coach in 2007 Sylvain VON HOF Director Facility and Real Estate chez Jet Aviation First hiired Jill as a Career Coach in 2010, and hired Jill more than once Jill helped me think differently and had a great value in my last professional and personal decisions; She helped my development because she has a fantastic ability to understand "between the lines"; She is always positive and full of energy; I therefore strongly recommend Jill;” February 11, 2012 Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, Creative Anand Samani First hired Jill as a Coach in 2007, and hired Jill more than once "Jill is very approachable. She takes interest in your business and helps to ensure you identify your objectives and achieve them.” July 4, 2011 Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity Emily Lyn 2009 Solicitors Regulatory Authority I have found coaching an enormously valuable tool in my professional and personal development. It's amazing how much progress you can make in a single coaching session. Often - the problem you take into the session turns out to be about something that you hadn't even considered before. On many occasions I have arrived feeling stuck, confused and frustrated, and left with a new perspective and some practical steps for what to do next. I have been working with Jill on and off for just over two years. She is a challenging coach and enables you to look at things differently and challenge yourself. Jill's intuition and ability to empathise with her clients mean that I have always felt safe and supported to explore what are often very tough questions. Lionel Joyce CBE, OBE, Commissioner, Legal Services Commission “It was fun working with Jill at the LSC, she did a great job on QED and creating a planning team and bringing people on - making people happen! - its lovely to see her living her dream and becoming everything she's capapble of being” May 30, 2011 Henry Amadife - 2011 Legal Services Commission "Jill has an unerring quality in tackling sensitive issues in an honest and constructive manner". Coaching has helped me broaden the options at my disposal and given me an honest and constructive reflection of my strengths, weaknesses and the perception others have of me. Zoe Salmon Ministry of Justice - 2010 ‘I just wanted to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you all for the coaching and support I received from you whilst I have been at the Legal Services Commission. I really appreciated your openness and honesty and willingness to share your own personal experiences. You have played a huge part in developing my confidence and identifying opportunities for my own career development. Thank you’ Katie Owen - 2009 Heritage Lottery Fund Jill is someone who puts you at your ease and seems to genuinely enjoy helping others. She's very flexible about meeting up and generous with her time despite her own busy schedule. She knows what questions to ask but makes sure that you're the one who comes up with the answers! |
Praise for The Leadership Woman PodcastMar 2021
Before listening to this interview I wasn't really sure if it was something that would relate to me, but i found it so interesting to hear about leadership and leading a team! It was great to hear Dean talk about his challenges and the growth he has made. Mar 2021 Ksenia [guest] I'm so grateful to have met you and connect with you through our group meetings! Thanks also to Jill for bringing us together. Feb 2021 Brilliant! What a good voice and good story telling! Feb 2021 Loved the 'proactively looking for the good' message So important, especially in these uneasy times. Feb 2021 Best 10 minutes of my day! You give us a reason to look forward to Monday evenings. Feb 2021 Thank you so much for this podcast , Jill! It gave me so much energy! Your voice is so soothing and at the same time full of motivation. It gave me the willpower to get off the couch and do something productive! Feb 2021 Everyone is at least 10% right...Thank you Jill- looking for the positive to activate our Sage brain to counter the saboteurs. Feb 2021 You have so much power, Jill and it's very insprring! Thank you! Jan 2021 One of the most practical podcasts I have ever heard. Practical examples, straight to the point. I really needed to listen to this to start the New year properly. Jan 2021 Simple, humble, thank you Jill. When will be the next? I am all ears! Jan 2021 Great beginning Jill. I will try to follow the advice as I have been planning to have my own podcast for 3-4 years now! Praise for the Successful Women programmeApril 2019
'Thank you so much for yesterdays evening experience. I can really feel the difference - our meetings and the sincerity and openness we have - together with powerful insights and guidance of Jill - opened us up, made us stronger and broadened our horizons.' 'Thank you for the force and inspiration during those sessions and in between - and for the feedback which surprised and touched me.' Praise for the 90 day programme2016
The 90 day has been a Godsend to me. When I first joined…..I was completely overwhelmed and didn't know where to start but the 90 day kept me on track. Thanks Jill! A smaller group where everyone's voice is heard and a safe space to be vulnerable. Committing to the 90-day success programme has helped me to stretch and explore, while providing a safe environment and mutual support and encouragement. The 90 day success for me has been a pleasant challenge and a life changing process that is changing me, my perspectives, my values now, and is already affecting my future and we're only 60 days into the journey! It's even changing my beliefs about how I think and see myself. Great call this evening Jill and thank you once again ......I can say that this call and the material is such an incredible motivator for me in my life. I know my brother would want me to do this. I quickly joined Jill and Fabiana's 90 Day Road to Success weekly call. These two wonderful women have blessed my life in so many ways. Besides leading a weekly call they have offered wisdom, guidance and encouragement that has brought so much value to my life. Besides leading a call, they have coached me in so many areas in my life. Despite my challenges they have been patient and continue to guide me and the entire team. A blessing that has brought so much growth in to my life. Fast forward three months I have gone from being insecure, self-doubt to felling hopeful and looking forward to the days ahead being a part of the best team I've ever been in. I highly recommend Jill and Fabiana as your choice for the 90 day Road to Success. Jill and Fabiana may not know how much value they have added to my life but I'd like them to know. Leadership Training and Speaking
Pecha Kucha Jun2014 'Jill, you are just too great! So calm, talking like you were born (to be) in front of people. You inspire me so much! Thank you! ECFC Training May 2014 'Thanks for the great day, atmosphere, organisation of the people around the table' 'Great to have 3 quality presenters taking turns,making the event more lively' 'Personal Plan - something concrete' 'New ideas and perspectives' Barbara Littles - Sept 2013 Lawyer and Entrepreneur Michegan I was mesmerized as I listened to Jill present to an audience of over 600 people. Her voice was soothing and captivating qne her message impactful. She is a must addition to your next event." Eliane Fuchs - 25 April 2013 Femmes Leaders - President- 3rd Leadership Academy I want to thank you once again for your great work and organisation of the 3rd Leadership Academy. It was a pleasure to work with you and I appreciate your modesty, simplicity and general attitude. I’m happy to have trusted you. Thank you very much. Nisa Vasconcelos- 12 January 2013 Asst Financial Controller /Derby Hotels Collection London UK I was at Inspirational You today and you definitely inspired to change my way of thinking about myself and believe that I can do it! Sue Kalicinska- 12 January 2013 Director at SuzyCal I heard Jill speak at the Inspirational You seminar entitled Leading Women -Never give up! (12 January 2013) Her story is a brilliant encouragement that everything is possible and you don't have to stay stuck in that rut. I loved her clarity and open and honest sharing. Her words inspired me to get things shifting in my life! |
March 2018 A Big Four Global Director: It is a little embarrassing to admit, but I am only just now really coming to an understanding that leadership isn't about being the best, being the smartest, advancing to the top (something I don't think I have been particularly interested in if I am quite honest) but much more about coaching, nurturing, guiding, leading by example, taking responsibility for developing others. That is something I can relate to much more – and that most simple of realisations is something that already fills me with more enthusiasm and motivation than merely climbing the notional ladder and achieving rank. Stuart K.P.Howard, Goodyear Dunlop Tyres -January 2014 We grow as a result of the people we meet and the books we read. I have grown substantially this year by meeting Jill and for her introduction to the latest John Maxwell teaching materials. She truly gives before she receives. Renée Aakrann - Deloitte - Jan 2014 Meeting Jill about 2 years ago had brought a great positive twist to my life. I’m now in my fourth Master Mind Group. The meetings have become an important element in my life. It is like a breath of oxygen, an opportunity to link up with the people who are sharing my values as well as an encounter with myself. Jill is being a wonderful guide through this experience of discovering, confirming and developing my personal strengths. I feel so fortunate to have discovered this vast dimension of personal growth. Martine Neyen- Odine Conseil - December 2013 From the very start a few weeks ago, I have thoroughly enjoyed participating in the weekly discussions. The warm welcome of all the members, the open, authentic and challenging exchanges make Monday lunchtime a very special moment I wouldn't like to miss any more. I appreciate Jill's art of questioning and leading the discussion, in a way that both talking and listening turn into a great learning experience. Natasha Liati - Events Planner - Jan 2014 Being in the 21 Laws and 15 laws is for me an ongoing source of strength and motivation and it also helps me to stay accountable as my business progresses. Being in touch with other entrepreneurs in the group is a great source of inspiration especially as many of them are women. At first I joined the group to be around others who were trying to build business and people who I viewed as more successful but I have discovered so much more than that and Jill has now become my personal growth Sherpa! My weekly classes are time for me and a positive influence on my life Nicole Schaak- HSBC - Dec 2013 Jill's groups are a great added value - an opportunity to share and discover other’s perceptions, rethink and digest ideas and with a bit of luck embrace new paths to growth”. Viviana -December 2013 I enjoy the 15 Laws Maxwell group because it represents a moment of reflection and sharing, a much needed pause to get recharged and to refocus on myself. Jill is a great guide in this process. She is able to be at the same time a full member of the group and a guide who makes us reflect... Michael Doyle International Financial Planner - Spectrum I have attended 5 of Jill's leadership courses and can honestly say this has had a dramatically positive effect on both my personal and business life. Sam Barrett Ex Aperam Luxembourg Being part of the Mastermind Group and subsequently the MMG graduate community has given me the structure and confidence to work towards my leadership goals. Reading the book and going over colleagues' real life scenarios and discussing amongst ourselves has helped me analyse adjust to more leadership focused behaviours... Thanks! Sue Shelley -19 December 2012 HSBC Head of compliance Attending the Mastermind Groups broadened my view of how far it is possible to grow and continually increases my realisation that our boundaries of personal growth are limited only by our own will to improve... |